When it comes to social media platforms it is very important to focus on the design of the images you are choosing to promote your content or for the marketing campaigns among Instagram followers. There are many websites who provide following, but here are the top recommended websites to buy instagram followers for better engagement. There is a study made which covers the principles that are important to improve on for making the social media images to be more presentable. Following are 11 design principles which will help you to improve your overall design of the content.
1. Color:
The first principle is the use of the right color. Study shows that shades of blue color are the important one because this color is used to convey information, supports a certain personality and also is more likely to set the mood and atmosphere.
2. Balance:
It is recommended to keep a balance in the images’ nature. It helps to create a sense of harmony by keeping everything symmetrical and asymmetrical. As each element of the image holds a weight so it is important to keep a balance.
3. Lines:
If you are using lines in the images then make sure to use straight lines because it helps to create harmony, curved lines because it helps to create a movement.
4. Typography:
When it comes to typography try to use Serif for printing, Sans-Serif for web based and Kerning for effective headlines.
5. Contrast:
Try to use contrast with different shapes, colors and element sizes. It will create a good look for images.
6. Scaling:
Try to focus on the scaling principle because it brings attention to the content and help to demonstrate a concept.
7. Proximity:
This principle focuses on the organizing of the elements in the image. Try to connect the colors, fonts and shapes as it helps to perceive the items similar or alike.
8. Hierarchy:
Make sure to keep the elements of the images to be at the top which are the most important one. Focusing on the goals of the designs helps a lot in improving the presentation of the pictures in the social media platforms.
9. Repetition:
Consistent branding is a way to go when you are doing it through social media. Make sure to focus on the fonts, colors and logos of the media content you are using.
10. Direction:
Choosing the right direction of the design is very important. Many successful brands focus on the direction of the content they are using.
11. Space:
Spacing in the images or the whole content is very important because it keeps everything simple and is used to amplify the important elements in the content. If the content in your social media profile gets too clustered, don’t be afraid to remove some things which are not very important. Remember, simplicity is the key to a good design.
By following the above design principles and buying followers on instagram and the representation of your whole content will look very good and professional. It also helps to make your media content to be influential and effective for the audience you are thinking of targeting.